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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wednesday HW

Hello Math Classes!

As we discussed, we are preparing for our test.
This is our last and best chance to really get ready for it.
Because we started these worksheets in class, there shouldn't be too many left to finish.

Some of these problems are quick, like 30 seconds quick.
The others will take a few minutes each.

For the worksheets that you have complete the following:
p.7 - #1,4,7,10
p.8 - #1,4,7,10
p.20 - #1,4,13,16
p.22 - #1,4,7,10
p.23 - #1,3,4(skip#2, there is no solution)
p.24 - #1,2,3
*Everyone should have p.22,23,24

Also, want everyone, and at least one parent to email me today.
We will use Khan Academy which requires student email addresses,
and I want to have all parent emails added to my contacts.
Have them send their name, your name, and your class number.

Thank you!
-I want you all to be successful.

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