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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday HW 10/29/2013

Homework for 803/804/806/810/811/812(not 809)
Sign onto Khan Academy and complete the following 4 activities.
In each activity, get 5 correct in a row.

Also, for students that haven't added me as a coach, please add me.
My coach class codes are listed at the bottom of this post.

Tonight's 4 Activities (To find the activities, use the search field on Khan Academy)
1. Adding negative numbers
2. Adding and subtracting negative numbers
3. Multiplying and dividing negative number
4. Graphing linear equations

*Remember to get at least 5 correct in a row, in each activity*

Coach Codes (Go to Coaches, and click 'Add Coach'):
803/804: P9VEUT
806/811: 6PWVVM
810/812: V8J4QK

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