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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wednesday HW 10/30/2013

Wednesday HW for All Math Classes
1. Textbook p.76 #9-15 (copy all diagrams)
2. Complete the 3 Khan Academy Exercises:

Sign onto Khan Academy and complete the following 3 activities.
In each activity, get 5 correct in a row.

3 Activities
To find the activities, use the search field on Khan Academy
1. Adding negative numbers
2. Adding and subtracting negative numbers
3. Multiplying and dividing negative number
*Remember to get at least 5 correct in a row, in each activity*

Add me as a coach!
Coach Codes (Go to Coaches, and click 'Add Coach'):
803/804: P9VEUT
806/811: 6PWVVM
810/812: V8J4QK 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday HW 10/29/2013

Homework for 803/804/806/810/811/812(not 809)
Sign onto Khan Academy and complete the following 4 activities.
In each activity, get 5 correct in a row.

Also, for students that haven't added me as a coach, please add me.
My coach class codes are listed at the bottom of this post.

Tonight's 4 Activities (To find the activities, use the search field on Khan Academy)
1. Adding negative numbers
2. Adding and subtracting negative numbers
3. Multiplying and dividing negative number
4. Graphing linear equations

*Remember to get at least 5 correct in a row, in each activity*

Coach Codes (Go to Coaches, and click 'Add Coach'):
803/804: P9VEUT
806/811: 6PWVVM
810/812: V8J4QK

Monday, October 28, 2013

Homework, 10/28/2013

Homework for 803/804/806/809/810/811/812
Page 71-#2,3,4,5
Page 82-#26,27,28

Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday October 7th 2013

Monday October 7th 2013
806/811 HW: Worksheet #1,3,5,7,9
803/804 HW: Complete Worksheet
809 and 810/812: Complete #9-15. Try 16 to see if you can do it.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday Homework for 806/11, 809, 810/12
From the Equations in context worksheet from class today,
Do problems #3, 4, 6, and 7.

Friday Homework for 803/804

Homework for 803/804:

Below is the correct homework: 
1. Do problems #1 thru #6, on the worksheet Lesson 7-5.
2. Find the consecutive integers(on p.22 #16, 17 and 18)
Write an equation and solve each problem:
16. Find three consecutive integers whose sum is 96.
17. Find two consecutive integers whose sum is 176.
18. Find two consecutive odd integers whose sum is 176

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Hello Classes 806/811/810/812:
Write the equation, then solve on p.21 #1, 2, 3, and 4
and find the consecutive integers on p.22 #16, 17, and 18
Copy problems into your notebook before solving.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wednesday HW

Hello Math Classes!

As we discussed, we are preparing for our test.
This is our last and best chance to really get ready for it.
Because we started these worksheets in class, there shouldn't be too many left to finish.

Some of these problems are quick, like 30 seconds quick.
The others will take a few minutes each.

For the worksheets that you have complete the following:
p.7 - #1,4,7,10
p.8 - #1,4,7,10
p.20 - #1,4,13,16
p.22 - #1,4,7,10
p.23 - #1,3,4(skip#2, there is no solution)
p.24 - #1,2,3
*Everyone should have p.22,23,24

Also, want everyone, and at least one parent to email me today.
We will use Khan Academy which requires student email addresses,
and I want to have all parent emails added to my contacts.
Have them send their name, your name, and your class number.

Thank you!
-I want you all to be successful.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

HW given on Tuesday - 10/1/2013
For classes 803/804, 806/811, 809, 810/812:
1. Finish Worksheets
2. Study for Quiz tomorrow, Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013
3. Below are questions that will help prepare you for the quiz.
1st Test is on Tuesday, October 8th, 2013.