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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thursday, December 5th, 2013

803/804:(3 things)
Due Monday: 1. Make sure to complete your IDD.
Due Monday: 2. Complete the tables in your lab, Calculate the Areas.
Due Monday: 3. Research at the least 2 effects of oil spills (on the environment and ways that scientists work to clean them up. On loose-leaf or typed-will be collected.)

806/811:(2 things)
Due Tomorrow: 1. Skills Worksheet numbers 1-6
Due Monday: 2. Research at the least 2 effects of oil spills (on the environment and ways that scientists work to clean them up. On loose-leaf or typed-will be collected.)

809:(2 things)
Due Tomorrow: 1. Skills Worksheet numbers 1-6
Due Tomorrow: 2. Research at the least 2 effects of oil spills (on the environment and ways that scientists work to clean them up. On loose-leaf or typed-will be collected.)

810/812:(3 things)
Due Tomorrow: 1. Make sure that you have completed your IDD.
Due Tomorrow: 2. Complete the tables in your lab, Calculate the Areas.
Due Tomorrow: 3. Research at the least 2 effects of oil spills (on the environment and ways that scientists work to clean them up. On loose-leaf or typed-will be collected.)

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