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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Canned Food Drive - Solutions

Name______________________________________ Date__________     Class__________
MS 51 Canned Food Drive: Variables, Predictions, Graphs, and Linear Equations (y=mx+b)
You are about to drive the Batmobile. But before you can drive, you need to know about the car’s miles per gallon rate. You found out that you can drive 50 miles with 2.4 gallons of gas.

Your task is to:
1. Determine and Identify the Independent Variable and Dependent Variable. Explain your reasoning.
a. Independent Variable:                                          
Gallons of Gas
Explain you reasoning:
The affects the number of miles traveled, so the number of gallons of gas is independent.

b. Dependent Variable:
Miles Traveled
Explain you reasoning:
I am measuring the amount of miles traveled.
The dependent variable is the one we measure.

2. Complete a table for number of hours from zero to ten (in 25 mile intervals).
X: Gallons of Gas
Y: Miles Traveled

3. Predict the number of gallons needed to drive 500 miles.
If 200 miles need 9.6 gallons, then 400 miles would need twice as much as 9.6., which is 19.2 gallons.
We can keep building and add 100 miles, which is 4.8 gallons. Thus 4.8 plus 19.2 is 24 gallons of gas which is needed to travel 500 miles.

4. What would be the miles traveled if you had 20 gallons of gas?
We can solve this with a proportion:         
20 gallons can let us travel 416.6 miles.

6. What is the Slope of your function?
What does the slope represent?
Rate of change =
Dependent divided by independent = DV/IV = 50/2.4 = 20.83
50miles/2.4gallons = 20.83miles per gallon
m=rate of change=slope=20.83

7. Write a linear equation that represents the number of cans collected per hour. Identify and label what each part of the equation represents in terms of the situation.
Y=number of miles
X= number of gallons
M= 20.83 miles per gallon

Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday, Homework 803/804

Friday, Homework 803/804:
A telephone plan charges $20/month, and
an additional 12 cents for each minute used.
How much would the plan cost if you talk for: 
0 minutes?
1 minute?
5 minutes?
10 minutes?
25 minutes?
50 minutes?
        -Would you use this cell phone plan?
        -Why are they charging $20 initially?
        -Make a table.
        -Graph it.
        -What equation would you use?
        -What is the independent variable?
        -What is the dependent variable?
        -What is the slope?  What does it represent?
        -What is the y-intercept?  What does it represent?

Study Guide for Test

Study Guide for the Test

Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday, Homework November 18th, 2013

Monday, Homework November 18th, 2013
803/804/806/809/811 - Worksheet, 5 Businesses
810/812 - Worksheet, Guess My Rule
*I suggest spending 20 minutes each day on the Test Study Guide.

Friday, November 15, 2013

HW - Friday, November 15th, 2013

HW - Friday, November 15th, 2013
Classes 803/804, 809, and 806/811:
Complete the "Guess My Rule" worksheet.

Class 810/812: Doesn't have homework due to the field trip.

Have a good weekend!
Try to see if you can remember:
1. What is slope-intercept form?
2. What is the equation for slope?
3. What are the names of each part of a linear equation?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

HW - Tuesday, November 12th, 2013

HW - Tuesday, November 12th, 2013
809: Because of the field trip, the homework listed below will be your class HW for Wednesday.
803/804/806/810/811/812: Do the Homework problems located on the bottom of the Save the Divers worksheet. Tomorrow, I will collect the Save the Diver's Group Work, and we will review the homework, and summarize the Save the Diver's activity.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday, November 8th, 2013

Hi classes,
Here is Friday's HW!
803/804: Complete the two worksheets(front and back), and be sure to include correctly shown work.
806/811: The Save the Diver's Homework problem on the bottom of the handout.
809: Complete the two worksheets(front and back), and be sure to include correctly shown work.
810/812: The Save the Diver's Homework problem on the bottom of the handout.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Homework November 7th, 2013

Homework November 7th, 2013
803/804 - Finish #1,2,3,4 on the back of the worksheet
806/811- Complete both of the worksheets(they will be collected).
809 - Complete both worksheets(they will be collected).
810/812 - Complete the worksheets(they will be collected).

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Homework: Friday Nov. 1 2013

Friday - Math HW on Khan Academy
In our class, our future goal is to analyze systems of equations, and multiple linear equations simultaneously. A big part of that involves graphing points and lines. Let's prepare!

Complete the following activities:
1. Graphing Points
2. Graphing Points and Naming Quadrants
3. Points on the Coordinate Plane